Koha How-To
There is a new system preference in Koha 17.11 "marklostitemsasreturned". With this new system preference, functionality has changed with when Koha was upgraded to 17.11.07.
Koha Tutorial Videos
With Koha 17.11, the Shelving Location can be configured to be in it's own column instead of under the Home/Holding branch. In addition, there is now a new Column Configuration for the OPAC. Check out this Koha Video Tutorial !
For patrons logged into the OPAC, there is now an option to add a dashboard to allow patron to see their number of checkouts, overdues, holds, and fines.
Here is a short video tutorial on the new feature of Holds History in the Staff Client.
This new enhancement in the 17.11 release allows librarians to override the AcqCreateItem system preference per basket.
This is a new System Preference called : blockreturnoflostitems allowing the library to choose whether to block the item that was marked lost as being allowed to be returned.