Koha Tutorial Videos
Shelving Location in OPAC
With Koha 17.11, the Shelving Location can be configured to be in it's own column instead of under the Home/Holding branch. In addition, there is now a new Column Configuration for the OPAC.
There are two new system preferences that will control this display : OpacLocationBranchToDisplay & OpacLocationOnDetail
The system preference : OPAClocationondetail was formerly known as OPAClocationbranchtodisplayshelving - is where your library could choose to display your shelving location under the holding library, home library or both.
The new system preference OPAClocationondetail - adds the option to add the shelving location to it’s own column. The other options are still there. These options have expanded to detailing “below the home library” “below the holding library”

There is one last change that must be made to allow the Shelving Location to be displayed in it’s own column- you must set it up in the Column Settings in Administration*. Items.shelvinglocation is hidden by default and if you uncheck this column it will display the shelving location in it’s own column.
*There is now a new column section in the Column Settings for customization on the OPAC- your library can choose to hide/display different columns such as home, holding branch, copy number, shelving location.

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Read more by Kelly McElligott