Koha How-To
Here is a brief blog post and video tutorial for patrons on setting and changing their messaging preferences on the Public OPAC.
Koha Tutorial Videos
This blog post will go through the steps on using lists for the patrons of a Koha Library. Included at the bottom of this blog is a video tutorial which is about 3 minutes long.
This blog will show a library how to add a search box to an existing library website to link the searching right into Koha.
This blog post will go through the steps that will allow the library to set up Google Analytics with Koha. Google Analytics is a great way to access your Koha OPAC statistics.
Here is a brief blog post and video tutorial for patrons on using the Koha feature for placing purchase suggestions through the OPAC.
Here is a brief tutorial and video on how patrons place holds on the OPAC.