In this blog post, we introduce the Aspen Discovery Library App (LiDA). We go through current features and upcoming developments.
Aspen Discovery
This tutorial will show a library how to add a search box to an existing library website to link the searching right into Aspen Discovery.
We are excited to introduce Aspen LiDA (Library Discovery App). LiDA is the companion app to Aspen Discovery and in this week's Aspen Weekly, we are going through the app's current functions, as well as future developments.
Koha Upgrades
With Koha version 21.05, you can create a default sequence for subfields in bib, items, and authority records.
View What's New webinar and Q&A session recordings, and see answers to questions about the features and enhancements coming to Koha with 20.11 and 21.05.
Koha Tutorial Videos
In this Monday Minutes, Jessie and Kelly talk about the added logging ability within the News, Notices, and Acquisitions Module.