Koha Upgrades
Subfield sequence: Create a default order for subfields
This new feature adds the ability to edit the default order of subfields for bib, item, and authority records. Now you can create frameworks that are even more customized to your library's needs and workflows!
Changing the default order is an easy drag-and-drop process. Go to Administration > MARC Bibliographic Framework, then to the framework you wish to edit - in this case, we’ll look at the Default framework - and select 'MARC structure' from the 'Actions' button. Go to the tag you wish to edit, then select 'Edit subfields' from the 'Action' button.
Hover over the subfield you wish to move, and when the hand icon appears, click and hold the tab to drag it to the desired position. Note that the drag-and-drop feature may not 'drop' where intended when your tabs are in multiple rows - so you may need to expand your window if they aren’t landing as expected.
Repeat this process for any other subfields as needed, and click the 'Save changes' button when you have them sorted as desired. When you access a tag from the 'View subfields' option, you’ll see that your subfields show in this new order.
Now when you create a new record with the edited framework, the subfields will be in that same order!
If you then view your newly-created record, you’ll see that subfields with data are first but that otherwise they are still in the order defined in the Default framework.
This applies for item subfields too! You can move them to put call number, barcode, replacement price, and Koha item type first - or any order that makes sense for your library’s workflows.
Note also that this works for Acquisitions! If you rearrange the 952 subfields in your ACQ framework, they will appear in that new order when you create items from the Acquisitions module.
The customized subfield order won't apply to records brought in via z39.50. And be aware that for records created before the subfield order was changed, the new order will not show at the bib level but will show when you edit at the item level.
However, you can also change the order of subfields in existing records, and now the changes will save! While editing a record, you can simply hover your mouse over the grip, and drag the subfield to your desired location.
With 20.05, you could change the order of subfields while editing a bib record, but the changes wouldn’t save. Now they will save, and they will show both when you view the MARC record outside of the editing function and when you edit the record again.
Authority subfields can also be rearranged by drag-and-drop. Unlike existing bib records, existing authorities will show the new order. You can also rearrange the order of subfields within individual authority records, and that new order will save and show when you view the record outside of the editing function.
More on upgrades:
Koha Upgrade for Fall 2021
Koha: 21.05 Upgrade Notes
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