Koha Tutorial Videos

Monday Minutes: Updates to Guarantor and Guarantees in Koha

In this week's Monday Minutes, Kelly and Jessie discuss a few new options libraries have when using the guarantor and guarantee relationship within Koha with the next upgrade.

Emails to Both Guarantee and Guarantor

Libraries will have the option to copy the guarantor's email when emailing the guarantee notices.

A new system preference is introduced with the next upgrade,


This system preference, if enabled, will email both the guarantee and the guarantor.

Additionally with this next upgrade, staff will be able to see the to/from/cc email addresses within the Notices from the patron's account.

Requiring a Guarantor to a Child Account

Another enhancement with the next upgrade will allow libraries to require when registering a Child patron category to link that patron to a guarantor. The child patron account won't be created unless staff link the account to a guarantor from within the Koha database or a person within the Non-Patron Guarantor.

The system preference, ChildNeedsGuarantor, will need to be turned on for this process to become effective.

Note: If a library turns this on, any Child patron account that currently does not have a guarantor will need one if that account is edited in any way.

Additional Resources

Koha Upgrades are coming! We are upgrading our library partners to 24.05 this August. This will be a double upgrade with features and enhancements from both 23.11 and 24.05!

See more information about



We have featured several enhancements and features coming with our Monday Minutes including:

Monday Minutes: Item Bookings

Monday Minutes: OPAC Self Checkout

Monday Minutes: Holds Awaiting Pickup

Monday Minutes: ERM Usage Statistics

Monday Minutes: Item Floating Groups

Monday Minutes: Tracking Vendor Issues in Acquisitions