Koha Tutorial Videos

Monday Minutes: ERM Usage Statistics

In this week's Monday Minutes, Kelly and Jessie dive into the new Usage Statistics option within the Electronic Resource Module. This feature will allow libraries to upload Counter 5 Usage Statistic reports or connect to vendors via a SUSHI connection.

Usage Statistics

Two components to the Usage Statistics Feature within the E-Resource Management Module.

  • Data Providers
  • Reports

Data Providers: These are your COUNTER-compliant platforms (provided by the publisher). Here is a link to the directory. This director will include the report types each publisher provides and the credential information.

Reports- COUNTER

  • PRx-Platform- Platform reports provide a summary of activity on a given platform.
  • DRx- Database- Database reports provide a summary of activity related to a given database or fixed collection of content that this packaged like a database.
  • Tx-Title Title reports provide a summary of activity related to the content at the title level and provide a means of evaluating the impact a title has for the institution's patrons
  • IRx-Item- Item Reports provide a summary of activity related to the content at the item level and provide a means of evaluating the impact an item has on an institution's patrons.

Note: At this time, the Usage Statistic report module does not support COUNTER 4 reports.

Adding Data Providers

When creating a new data provider, there are some required fields that will need to be entered.

Report Types- which reports would the library like to target with this provider? The reports that the publisher will provide will exist on the Counter Registry page, linked above.

Once a data provider has been entered into Koha, and the data provider is being viewed, there are tabs at the top that will bring the user to the data (and once it has been harvested), these tabs will include information. It is important to note, that if this data provider does not do Item Reports, there will not be any information in the Item tab. There will only be data in the tabs in which data is being generated from.

Providers using the SUSHI connection:

Once you have added the SUSHI credentials to the data provider- save this and then there is a test button. The test button will allow the library to validate the credentials

Harvesting of Data- can be done manually using the Run button or by a cronjob.

If a data provider is not an active provider harvester will not run for this provider.

If this is not a SUSHI provider, then a library can manually import a file of records from the publisher from the data provider screen.

Import Logs:

This will contain a log of files both of the manual import of files or the SUSHI harvesting.

Files are stored in Koha, so if a library would like to download a file from Koha, this is possible and to be saved/used elsewhere.


  • Can be run with dry mode, what providers would have been attempted. The harvester will look for any new data from the last time the harvester was run and will report on that.

For example, if a new title has been added sine the last harvest, this new title will now appear in the Title List. If this title already existed, the harvester will update the counts from the report into Koha.

  • Manually, when running this harvester manually, Koha will allow the library to choose the date from which to collect the data. Once this has been done, these jobs will be included in the Background Jobs, which can be monitored from the Background Job page.

The background Job page will provide the library with a look at what has been processed.

Data Provider Summary

This will be an at-a-glance look at the current and past harvesting. This will also show the latest data and the newest data we have.

Manually Import of Files (non-SUSHI connection)

From the data provider page, a library can manually import a file provided from the publisher, using the Manual Upload button.

Note: Koha will only accept COUNTER 5 reports.


The usage statistics reports are outside of the Koha Report Module. In this report section, new reports can be created, or saved reports can be run. When creating a new report, there will be some dependency when creating reports depending on the reports that are provided by the publisher, a library can't run an Item-level report if that provider does not provide an Item-level report.

Additional Resources

PTFS-Europe has a three-part tutorial video series on Usage Statistics, check that out here.