Koha Upgrades

Koha 22.11: New Table Settings Options

This release provides several quality of life enhancements related to table settings. In order to access this functionality, users must have the manage_column_config permission.


[29723] Add a “Configure table” button for KohaTable tables
Before this feature was introduced, editing tables required going to Administration > Additional parameters: Table settings > Selecting the correct module and table to configure. Where there is a configurable table in Koha, users will now see a wrench icon that links directly to the table to configure.

Links directly to this page:

[29282] Show items.issue and items.renewals in the holdings table on the detail page of the staff interface
Monday Minutes: Viewing Issues and Renewals
In the holdings table for each record, libraries can now select to view the lifetime checkouts and renewals for each item. By default, these columns will be hidden.

[30922] Make the “Relative’s checkouts” table configurable by the table settings
Before this enhancement, the relative’s checkouts table for guarantee/guarantor relationships was not included in table settings to configure. The new table id is relatives-issues-table.

Additional Resources

Koha 22.11 Upgrade Notes
Koha 22.11: Upgrades Hub
Column Configuration for Items
Koha Question of the Week: What are Table Settings in Administration?