Column Configuration for Items

Koha allows libraries to customize what is seen and what is hidden in various places in the staff interface and the OPAC. With each upgrade, Koha adds more configuration options. In Koha 20.05, Koha adds the ability to configure the columns in the Items! Below is an image where this area is best illustrated:

So exciting! When a library wanted to hide a specific column from this table prior to this new version of Koha, jquery was probably added to the system preference, intranetuserJS. Now, libraries have the freedom to customize this page easier!


In the Administration Module, under Additional Parameters, the option for Column Configuration lives.

The table which controls this area is called: holdings_table and otherholdings_table.

If a library system with multiple branches has turned on the system preference, SeparateHoldings | SeparateHoldingsBranch, the table, otherholdings_table will control this table.

See the image below for the Other Holdings tab:

Here is a look at what the Column Configuration looks like:

Marking a 'Column Name' with a checkmark, will indicate to Koha, that this should not be visible. For libraries that would like to hide a field such as the date accessioned, this is the opportunity!

Note: Currently on the Staff Interface, the shelving location is displayed with the home branch. So if a library chooses to hide the home branch, the shelving location is going to not display either. There is a current enhancement in the Koha Community to separate these out from each other: [25462].

Read more by Kelly McElligott
