Koha Tutorial Videos
In this week's Monday Minutes, Kelly and Jessie share a new feature coming in 23.05 which will reduce the number of emails your patrons are getting about their holds waiting to be picked up! Now, hold pickup notifications can be digested! This means your patron will get one email for their multiple holds that come in at the same time.
Koha How-To
The item messages plugin for Koha will allow libraries to add and edit notes/messages related to a specific item. These messages or notes can be added to the item through the "more detail" tab.
Koha Upgrades
In this blog post, we break down upcoming Koha 23.05 features and enhancements.
Koha's ILL Module is growing and improving with the 23.05 release. Read the upcoming two new features for the ILL Module.
In this week's Monday Minutes, Kelly and Jessie talk about a feature that can be displayed in the OPAC so the patron can see their total savings by using the library!!!
In Koha 23.05, a few new fun report enhancements have been added! A new button, for Saving and Running a report! Also, the addition of Auto-Completion in the SQL, and more!