Library Automation
ByWater Solutions announced today that CLiC has added Lamar Public Library to its consortium.
Koha ILS
The Koha Community, home of the world's first free and open-source library system, announced last month that the Koha 20.11 release is available.
ByWater Solutions announced today that CLiC has added Southern Teller County Public Library to its consortium.
The last two days have flown by; we've seen so many great presentations and are so grateful to be a part of the Koha Community! Make sure you are registered to attend the final day: Bug-A-Palooza.
Wow! What an amazing Day One of the Koha-US 2020 Conference. Find out information about Day Two of the conference.
Register to attend the Koha-US 2020 Conference. Check out these sessions today being hosted by a few of our partner libraries.