Library Automation
ByWater Solutions announced that the Orem Public Library in Orem, UT is now live on Aspen Discovery and Koha ILS with ByWater Support.
ByWater Solutions is thrilled to announce that Cuyahoga County Public Library in Ohio has selected Koha, Aspen Discovery, and Metabase powered by ByWater Solutions.
ByWater Solutions announced that the Knox Public Library in Tennessee has gone live with Koha support from ByWater Solutions.
Aspen Discovery
Aspen is pleased to announce brand new search filters with the 22.11 release of the LiDA library app!
ByWater Solutions announced today that Laura joined the ByWater Solutions Development team!
Each month, ByWater Solutions selects one library to be awarded $500. These funds are meant to support libraries and their communities and fill gaps in funding to further library goals.