Aspen Discovery

Aspen 22.11 release brings 60+ updates including more options for displaying copy information.

The best way to find a book on the shelf or figure out whether or not it’s available varies by library, so with Aspen we created more display options to make sure all of our partners can show the information that makes the most sense for their patrons.”

- Jordan Fields, Aspen Product Librarian

This month’s Aspen Discovery release brings more than 60 updates requested by our library and consortia partners!

Every month at our Aspen Gathering we talk about potential enhancements to Aspen. At the October meeting our partners discussed how to better provide information to patrons on where to find titles in their library and whether or not those copies are available. We’re pleased to offer those additional options as part of our November 22.11 release! Updates include deciding how many copies to display as well as when to display the “Where is it?” link. A suggestion was also made to show the copy information in one column instead of two, a change that our partners discussed and agreed on.

Show first 3 available copies & Where Is It link always

Show first 3 available copies & Where Is It link only if there additional copies

Show first 3 available copies only

Show Where Is It link only

Other updates include additional options for exporting user lists, materials requests, and search results to Excel spreadsheets, updates for displaying multiple links from the MARC 856 field, additional options for having an item be recognized as having closed captions for better accessibility, and dozens more. For a complete list of all new functionality, see the Aspen 22.11 release notes.

This release includes code contributions from:

  • ByWater Solutions

  • James Staub

  • Theke Solutions

Thanks to all of our contributors and our community for another successful release!

Read the Full Release Notes

You can find the full release notes here.

Watch a Preview of the Release

About Aspen Discovery

Aspen is a full-featured Discovery System that integrates with eContent and other third-party providers, giving your patrons comprehensive access to all of your materials in one place. Aspen combines your library catalog with e-content, digital archives, and enrichment from all major third-party providers. It also improves relevancy and ease of use, provides native reading recommendations, displays all formats of titles within one result (record grouping), and much more. With included features like web builder and mobile app (Aspen LiDA), Aspen was created to give users an improved experience over other Discovery systems, with less impact on library budgets.

For more information about Aspen please visit

For More Information

Jessica Zairo
Director of Library Sales and Outreach
ByWater Solutions

Read more by Jordan Fields

Tags Release, release notes