Koha How-To

Resource Rewind: December 2022

We put together a recap of our Koha news and educational content for the month of December in case you missed anything!

Koha Question of the Week

Can Koha Generate New Card Numbers for Patrons?

Koha can create library card numbers for your newly registered patrons. Koha has a system preference called, automembernum.

Can A New Status Be Added in Purchase Suggestions


In Authorized Values, a library can create additional Suggestion Statuses. The Authorized Value category is called SUGGEST_STATUS

Can an URL Link Open in a New Window?

For libraries that have URL links to their records in the OPAC- YES!

Koha has a system preference called, OPACURLOpenInNewWindow, which can be set to DO. If set to DO, then when a patron clicks on an URL in a record, this will open up in a new window. This is extremely convenient for the patron, so they don't lose out on their search or place in the catalog.

How Do You Create a Staff Patron in Koha?

A staff account is created just like a patron account in Koha, with a few other options.

How Can Notices be Edited in Koha?

Both the text and content of each Notice and Slip generated in Koha can be edited and customized to fit the library and branch.

Within the Tools module, the Notices and Slips are where all the notices are contained.

Monday Minutes

Customizing the Staff Client News Area

In this week's Monday Minutes, Andrew from the Dubuque County Library District shared some customizations with Kelly and Jessie that were added to their library's Koha Staff interface. It was so fun to have Andrew on Monday Minutes again!

Two-factor authentication in the staff interface

In this week's Monday Minutes, Kelly and Jessie will show you how two-factor authentication in the staff interface works. Koha now offers the ability to set up two-factor authentication (2FA) for logging into the staff interface.

Koha 22.05 Recap

In this week's Monday Minutes, Kelly and Jessie talk about the Koha upgrade coming over the next few weeks.

Password Expirations

In 22.05, a new system preference is introduced in Koha to distinguish between what libraries need from patrons when self-registering and what fields they can modify in their already existing accounts. Prior to this, these were driven by the same system preference.

Read more by Elise Aiello
