Koha How-To

Monday Minutes: Signing off on a Koha Bug

In this Monday Minutes, Kelly and Jessie will walk you through using the ByWater Solutions Sandbox to sign off on a bug in Koha. In previous Monday Minutes, we have covered searching, creating accounts and using Bugzilla. Today we will cover testing a patch in a sandbox and signing off.

Access Sandboxes

Koha Community Wiki for Sandboxes

ByWater Sandboxes for testing Patches

PFTS Europe also hosts sandboxes using this system here:

Testing the Patch

Once you have selected the sandbox, you can begin the process. We will use the ByWater Sandbox to walk you through this process.

  1. Go to http://sb1.sandboxes.bywatersolutions.com.
  2. Click on the create button.
  3. Fill out the form, entering you name and email. This will be used to sign off on the bug once you complete the process.
  4. Create a sandbox name. This should be something simple, lowercase all letters and numbers.
  5. Enter the bug number of the patch you are testing from https://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/.
  6. The only other mandatory field you need to complete is the response to "What is the world's first open source ILS?".
  7. You can enter any additional information in Git remote & branch (Enter a Koha git remote address and branch here and it will be applied to your sandbox.) .
  8. You can enter a basic description and any notes.
  9. Once complete hit submit.

Once that process is started, your sandbox will begin to create itself. The status will change from provisioning to provisioned. Please give it a few minutes to complete. You can refresh as needed until the status changes. Once your status is set to provisioned, you can begin testing.

  1. Click on the staff or opac buttons depending on what you are testing.
  2. The initial staff login will be koha, with the password koha.
  3. The database user will be koha_, with the password password.
  4. Refer back to the bug you are testing and walk through the steps in the testing plan on https://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/.
  5. Once you finish the testing, if the process works as described, you can sign off on your patch.
  6. Go back to http://sb1.sandboxes.bywatersolutions.com/.
  7. Find your sandbox and click on the actions dropdown menu.
  8. Click Sign-Off patches.
  9. Make sure your name, email, bug number, number of patches and answer for the works first open source ils is complete.
  10. Hit submit.
  11. Now you can go back to your bug on http://sb1.sandboxes.bywatersolutions.com/, refresh the page and see an update!

Sandboxes Town Hall with Kyle and Nick

Looking for more information? Watch this town hall with Kyle and Nick on how to use the Sandboxes.

Read more by Jessie Zairo

Tags Bugzilla, bugs, sandbox, testing