Koha How-To
Koha Question of the Week: Whose Lists are Visible in a Koha OPAC?
Each Friday, we will bring you a new Koha Question of the Week. We will select real questions that we receive and share the answers with you!
Question: Whose Lists are Visible in a Koha OPAC?
Answer: Lists are a fabulous way to provide readers advisory or otherwise highlight materials in a library's collection. This functionality is enabled by turning on the virtualshelves system preference. Once lists are enabled, links to them can be found via the top left corner of the OPAC.
Lists can also be discovered from the bibliographic records of items included on them.
For most libraries, the public lists will be ones created and maintained by staff, unless the OpacAllowPublicListCreation system preference is enabled, permitting patrons to share their own public lists.
The only lists visible in the catalog - staff client or OPAC - will be those created by users of the library. External discovery tools sometimes pull in content from other libraries or sources, but the lists in a library's Koha OPAC will only come from that library's users.
Additional Resources
Monday Minutes: Using Lists in Koha
Creating a Public List in Koha
Read more by Hebah Amin-Headley