Koha Upgrades
Koha 22.11: Patron Upgrades
New Features
[12446] Enable an adult to have a guarantor
Patron categories with the type Adult can now have guarantors. Monday Minutes: Expanding the Guarantor Relationships in Koha
[23681] Make patron restrictions user definable
Using the new PatronRestictionTypes system preference and 'Patron restriction' section of Administration, libraries can define types of restrictions for selection when staff manually add restrictions to accounts. Monday Minutes: Library Defined Patron Restrictions
[23538] Email library when new patrons self register
This enhancement enables libraries to receive an email when a new patron self-registers. Monday Minutes: Email Library When Patron Self Registers
[10950] Add pronoun field to patron record and [21978] Add middle name field
Koha now has dedicated free-text fields for patrons' pronouns and middle names! Koha 22.11: New Borrower Fields and Patron Import Options
[29971] Remember selections across patron search pages
Koha now 'remembers' patron selections between pages of a search and between separate patron searches, streamlining patron list creation and patron merges. Koha 22.11: Enhanced Patron Searching
[27920] Add ability to update patron expiration dates when importing patrons
When libraries choose to overlay patron records during patron imports, they now have the ability to import a new expiration date, calculate a new expiration date from the date of import, or calculate a new expiration date from the existing expiration date. Koha 22.11: New Borrower Fields and Patron Import Options
New System Preferences and Letter Codes
New system preferences:
New letter codes:
More 22.11 upgrades:
Koha 22.11: Upgrades Hub
Koha 22.11 Upgrade Notes
Read more by Sara Brown