Koha Upgrades

Koha 22.05 Technical Services Overview


[27212] Add column configuration to the acquisitions home page

Now you have the ability to configure which columns show in the budgets/fund table on the Acquisitions home page

[28082] Add acquisitions toolbar to vendors on vendor search page

This patch updates the vendor search results page in acquisitions so that a button toolbar is shown for each vendor in search results. This gives quick access to operations for each vendor, like editing the vendor, adding a basket, or receiving a shipment. Now the number of open baskets and subscriptions is shown for each vendor in the search result, linking to the details of those entries.

Inactive vendors are now styled differently than active vendors in order to improve clarity.

[30510] Add a Patron reason column to the suggestion table in the staff interface

This adds the patron's reason for a suggestion to the suggestions summary table in the staff interface.


[29391] Improve output of reservoir search

This patch makes the cataloging reservoir search results configurable DataTable. This adds column configuration, export, and sorting. The empty edition and date columns are removed, and an import data column is added.

[29781] Allow item batch modification to use capturing groups in regex option

This enhancement adds support for capture groups in the regular expression option of batch item modification. One may now use (\d+) for example to capture digits in the match and then the $1 placeholder in the replace.

[29406] Improve display of OPAC suppression message

This enhancement changes the way the "Suppressed in OPAC" message is shown on the staff interface search results and the bibliographic detail page. Now the information is displayed like other bibliographic details and shows in the OPAC view area.


[14393] Add collection code filter to inventory

In the Inventory tool, in the Item Location Filters, a new option has been added for Collection Code

[20076] Overdues email to library for patrons without email should be optional

Currently, two print notices are generated when running overdue_notices.pl if a patron does not have an email address:

  • a print overdue notice for the patron, and

  • an email message to the library with all the print versions of the overdue notices.

Depending on a library’s work processes, they may want both or only the patron print overdue notice generated.
This enhancement adds a new system preference, EmailOverduesNoEmail, that allows libraries to choose whether to send or not send overdue notices for patrons without an email address to library staff. The default is set to send, as this preserves the current behavior.

[22785] Manage matches when importing through stage MARC record import

This exciting enhancement allows you to decide on a record-by-record basis whether to bring in a matching record through the Stage Records process.

In this example, the match was on the 020, and one record found a match and one did not. For the record that did match, there is a new option to either accept the match or ignore the match.

For more information, see our Monday Minutes tutorial video on this new feature:

Monday Minutes: Manage Matches When Importing

[22827] Automatic item modifications by age: add age dependency on other field(s) than dateaccessioned

This enhancement enables librarians to utilize the Tool Automatic Modification By Age to automatically modify items based on date fields other than items.dateaccessioned. This tool can now use any of these fields to trigger updates:

  • items.dateaccessioned,

  • Items.replacementpricedate,

  • items.datelastborrowed,

  • Items.datelastseen,

  • items.damaged_on,

  • items.itemlost_on,

  • items.withdrawn_on.

Please note: Existing rules will continue to use items.dateaccessioned

[29821] Add interface for generating barcodes using svc/barcode

A new tool has been added: Barcode Image Generator! But, you can do more than just barcodes! This tool will also create QR Codes!

Once you have created the barcode or QR code, you are presented with source code so you can add that image to a webpage.

[23873] Allow marc modification templates to use capturing groups in substitutions

[29824] Allow for quick spine labels to be editable for printing

Once you have generated a quick spine label, you have the option to edit it

Note: you will need to have the System Preference SpineLabelAutoPrint set to Don’t. When you submit the barcode, in the popup window you now see the button Edit Label

When Clicking the Edit Label button “unlocks” the label text and you can make changes, such as adding descriptors, line breaks, etc. Once you are done making changes, clicking the Print button will open the print dialog box.

More 22.05 Koha Upgrade Notes

Koha 22.05: Upgrades Hub