Aspen Discovery
It’s that time of year when we give thanks to all things libraries and our Aspen community. We wish you all a Happy Thanksgiving!
Koha Upgrades
A Koha enhancement in 23.05 brings a new catalog concerns feature to the OPAC and staff interface, allowing non-catalogers to report issues with catalog records from the record details pages.
Staff will now have the ability to modify patron accounts in batch straight from the patron search results.
Koha How-To
In Koha 23.05, a few new fun report enhancements have been added! A new button, for Saving and Running a report! Also, the addition of Auto-Completion in the SQL, and more!
In Koha 23.05, a few new changes will occur with the Notices within Koha.
Previously, in the OPAC Checkout History table, author information was stored along with the title in the Title column. A new, separate column for Author allows the Checkout History now enables patrons to sort the table by author name.