Check out how to schedule system messages in Aspen Discovery!
Koha Tutorial Videos
Jessie and Kelly walk through setting up a Patron Attribute in Koha.
Aspen Discovery
This week we are going into detail about Aspen's Web Builder functionality. Aspen Discovery has the ability to create web pages directly in your discovery layer. This broadens the capacity to fulfill the end goal of Aspen Discovery - making it as easy as possible to share information and resources with your patrons!
Koha How-To
In Koha, authorized values are vital. When a dropdown menu of possibilities is visible in Koha, this is an Authorized Value. A library can add, edit, and create new authorized values throughout Koha.
Jessie and Kelly talk about a system preference that give libraries the ability to deny renewals even after the item is checked out.
Introducing Aspen Weekly, a new weekly publication. Each week we will share with you information about the amazing features of Aspen Discovery, what's happening in the Aspen Community, and what exciting developments are on the horizon.