Library Automation
ByWater Solutions announced that the Lake Worth Beach City Library in Florida has joined SEFLIN and is now live on the Koha ILS and the Aspen Discovery system with ByWater support and hosting services.
ByWater Solutions announced that the Whiting Library in Vermont has joined VOKAL and is now live on the Koha ILS and the Aspen Discovery system with ByWater support and hosting services.
ByWater Solutions announced that the Highland City Library is now live on the Koha ILS and the Aspen Discovery system with ByWater support and hosting services.
ByWater Solutions announced that the New River Public Library Coperative is now live on Koha ILS with ByWater Support.
ByWater Solutions announced that Yukon Public Libraries are now live on the Koha ILS and the Aspen Discovery system with ByWater support and hosting services.
ByWater Solutions announced that the Rampart Library District in Colorado has joined the CLiC consortium, supported by ByWater Solutions.