Aspen Discovery

Aspen Discovery 24.07.00 Release Notes

Aspen Discovery announced this week that the 24.07.00 release is now available.

See Release Summary Here.

24.07.00 Release Notes

This release includes code contributions from:

ByWater Solutions

  • Mark Noble (MDN)
  • Kirstien Kroeger (KK)
  • Kodi Lein (KL)
  • Katherine Perdue (KP)

Nashville Public Library

  • James Staub (JStaub)


  • Pedro Amorim (PA)
  • Alexander Blanchard (AB)
  • Chloe Zermatten (CZ)

Theke Solutions

  • Lucas Montoya (LM)

Accessibility Updates

  • Display Hide button for browse categories in Accessible Browse Category mode. (KK)
  • Add links to view more results for browse categories in Accessible Browse Category mode. (KK)
  • "Show Hidden Browse Categories" is now accessible via keyboard navigation for Accessible Browse Category mode. (KK)

Help Center Documentation

API Updates

  • Hold status will now output the translated value instead of the default/ILS value. (KK)
  • Pass Language weight used for sorting in getLanguages in System API. (KK)
  • Added Palace Project instructions to return with getLibraryInfo in System API. (KK)

Carl.X Updates

  • Added self registration forms for Carl.X (KL)
  • Allow item level holds (JStaub)

Help Center Documentation

CloudLibrary Updates

  • Fixed bug where CloudLibrary showed available books as On Order. (KP)

Collection Spotlight Updates

  • When replacing an existing tab on a Collection Spotlight, changing the title of the tab now also changes the title of the spotlight if it's the only tab. (KP)

eCommerce Updates

  • Fix issue where donations are not working (KL)

Evergreen Updates

  • Process holds.csv file in supplemental directory to show number of holds in search results and full record views. (MDN)
  • Added offset and limit values for fetching reading history to avoid timeouts (KL)

Hold Updates

  • For bib records with both eContent and volumes, check each physical variation for volumes to correctly place volume level holds (KL)

Indexing Updates

  • When stripping subtitles from display titles, handle "the graphic novel" in addition to "a graphic novel" and "graphic novel". (MDN)
  • Do not remove common subtitles from Display Information that has been manually set. (MDN)
  • Make sure lexile values are integers when saving to solr. (MDN)
  • Add check in 655a: if 655a starts with "fiction", add one count of literary form Fiction when determining literary form for the grouped work (KL)

Help Center Documentation

  • For title grouping, only strip 'by' clauses when 'by' is followed by the author's name. ((KP)
  • Correct loading Days Since Added Facet for item items at libraries where the display status is not "On Order". (MDN)
  • Check the fallback format if the only format detected with earlier rules is "Book" as well as checking fallback format if no formats are found. (MDN)
  • Check for null formats when determining inclusion of records. (MDN)
  • Add logic for assigning the format 'Physical Object' if position 6 of the Leader is 'R' and the record has no 008 field (KL)

Help Center Documentation

Koha Updates

  • Add control over whether holidays and hours are automatically loaded from Koha for each library and location. (MDN)

Help Center Documentation (Holidays)

  • Do not update reading history for patrons that have been expired for more than 4 weeks. (MDN)
  • Fix issues related to loading ILL requests and holds for Koha version 24.05. (MDN)

OverDrive Updates

  • Error message when returning Kindle books is now translatable. (KP)

Help Center Documentation

Polaris Updates

  • Pass in OrgId for eCommerce payments for Polaris (KL)

Reading History Updates

  • Make sure the date reading history was last updated saves properly when updating reading history from cron. (MDN)


  • Nashville-specific: Added pickup branch to Holds Report print slips (JStaub)
  • Nashville-specific: Added GATE teachers to circulation reports (JStaub)

Searching Updates

  • Fixed bugs with searches that included special characters, especially subject searches. (KP)
  • Properly escape search suggestions when shown in buttons. (MDN)

Sierra Updates

  • Make successful message when updating home library translatable. (LM)
  • Do not set a default expiration date if no expiration date is set for a patron within Sierra. (MDN)

Summon Updates

  • Adjustments to code in Summon getFacetSet function to correct a bug. Individual facet filters can now be unchecked and the filter unset by clicking the checkbox. (AB)

Other Updates

  • Show the original translation term when translating text within Aspen. (MDN)
  • Ensure that locked fields remain unchanged when administrators that do not have the ability to edit locked fields save the object. (MDN)
  • Make message that appears when a payment cannot be reconciled in the ILS translatable. (MDN)
  • Increase Format length for circulation cache tables (holds and checkouts) (MDN)
  • Properly expand sections when searching within settings. (MDN)
  • Fixed a bug where if a user did not have a Cloud Library account it could falsely return a successful checkout message. (KK)
  • In offline mode, don't show buttons like Add a Review and Add to List that prompt a login. (KP)
  • 'Return to List' returns submissions from the correct custom form or quick poll and the submissions page now prompts users to pick a form/poll. (KP)
  • 'Old PIN provided is incorrect' message is now translatable. (KP)
  • Added a new feature: SMTP setting. This allows for SMTP configuration to be utilized when sending e-mails from Aspen. (PA)
  • Split Greenhouse systems alerts into a separate Slack channel. (KP)
  • Update JavaScript for backwards compatibility with older browsers. (MDN)
  • Delete old tables in the database while initializing the database for unit test. (MDN)
  • Add a utility to generate a site template to aid in migrating servers. (MDN)
  • Update updateSitePermissions scripts to include all directories. (MDN)
  • Increase column length for format in user_hold table to accommodate concatenated OverDrive/Libby formats (KL)
  • Correct the number of requests made on the success screen after submitting a request. (MDN)
  • Add the ability to change the supporting company name on site creation. (CZ)

Aspen LiDA Updates

  • Variations for Grouped Works have a slight redesign to accommodate for long action button text. (KK)
  • Updating the language will change the selected option in both the Account drawer and Preferences screen. (KK)
  • On Holds screen when freezing hold, allow toast to display translated values. (KK)
  • Removed gesture navigation where it was allowed on some React Navigation stacks. (KK)
  • Always display a back button when accessing the Manage Browse Categories screen. (KK)
  • Users can now view instructions for accessing their Palace Project checkouts. (KK)

Watch the 24.07.00 Aspen Updates in an Instant Recording

Watch a short highlight video of the some of the new features available in 24.07.00

Read more by Mark Noble

Tags release notes, Release