Koha How-To

Koha Question of the Week: What Does the Upload Tool Do?

Each Friday, we will bring you a new Koha Question of the Week. We will select real questions that we receive and share the answers with you! This question was sent to us by one of our partners! If you have a suggestion, please email: outreach@bywatersolutions.com

Question: What Does the Upload Tool Do?

Answer: This tool stores files that have been uploaded during the stage marc import process and also any files a library has attached to records while cataloging. In addition, files can be uploaded here to use elsewhere in the system, for example adding new item type icons.

There are several other areas within Koha where files are uploaded, like cover images, patron images, and patron forms. Below, I have attached resources to these specific examples.

When uploading a file through this tool, a category can be assigned to it. For a library just starting this process, new authorized values will need to be added to the authorized value " Upload". What is great about categories within these upload files, all files using that category can be searched.

All files that have been uploaded through the stage marc import process and files attached in cataloging can be searched by their file name. When searching, Koha will allow users to download the file or delete the file.

Additional Resources

We have talked about different uploading of files in the past:

Monday Minutes: How to Attach a File to MARC Records

Attaching a file to a MARC record using this process we outlined in the blog post above. This file that is attached to a record will be stored in the Upload Tool.

We can upload patron images in bulk, this tool is separate from the Upload Tool. This tool found under the Patrons Section of Tools is called, Upload patron images. See about this feature in the blog post below:

Uploading Patron Images in a Batch to Koha

Finally, there is the option to upload cover images to records within the catalog.

This option is also under tools, but called "Upload local cover image"

This tool allows you to upload cover images for the materials in your catalog. To access this tool staff need the upload_local_cover_images permission. For images to show in the staff client and OPAC you need to set LocalCoverImages and OPACLocalCoverImages preferences to ‘Display’. Images can be uploaded in batches or individually.