Koha How-To

Koha Question of the Week: Can I Change the Description of the Temporary Shelving Location Applied by the Cart to Shelf Cron Job?

Each Friday, we will bring you a new Koha Question of the Week. We will select real questions that we receive and share the answers with you!

Question: Can I Change the Description of the Temporary Shelving Location Applied by the Cart to Shelf Cron Job?

Answer: Like many things in Koha, the description of the temporary CART shelving location used by the cart to shelf cron job is in an authorized value, which can be modified by staff with permission to adjust those. CART is simply a stand-in status for items that are still within a few hours of being returned and thus might not, in a busy library system, be back out on the shelf yet. The default description for this location is "Book cart" while an item is in the temporary CART status, but many libraries customize this wording to something more patron friendly like "Recently Returned." And like other authorized values in Koha, libraries may choose to use one description for the staff client and a different one for patrons viewing a record in the OPAC. So the staff client description might be "Reshelving" while the OPAC description is "Recently Returned."

Changing this value and saving it instantaneously changes the description for the staff client and the OPAC. Library partners using a discovery layer like Aspen may need to check their translation map to make sure the new description displays to patrons.

Additional Resources

Using Cart-to-Shelf

Monday Minutes: Authorized Values

Koha Manual: In processing/book cart cron