Koha How-To

Koha ERM Module - eHoldings

In this tutorial, you will find an introduction and overview of the eHoldings section in Koha's Electronic Resource Module (ERM). With the eHoldings module, staff can track electronic titles and packages (group of titles) that your library subscribes to through a specified provider. Currently, Koha has 2 ways to track this through integration with ESBCO or stored locally (meaning staff can add any vendor to track).

Local - eHoldings are electronic resources stored in the Koha database. These are all other electronic resources from other vendors that have a bibliographic record in Koha and are searchable in the Koha catalog.

EBSCO - this integration connects directly with the EBSCO Knowledge Base enabling staff to manage resources held in the EBSCO HoldingsIQ. These titles are not stored in the Koha database.

In order to set up the API connection with EBSCO or local eHoldings, staff will need to enable the ERMProviders and/or ERMProviderEBSCOAPIKey and ERMProviderEbscoCustomerID. (Read More)

Local eHoldings

Local eHoldings enables staff to add electronic resources for their streaming titles, ebooks, electronic magazines, databases, websites, or electronic services they subscribe to. If your library does not have EBSCO, you can add all other electronic resources here.

Creating local eHoldings titles and packages

Remember, local eHoldings are created and stored in the Koha database. Meaning you can upload MARC records in bulk using the stage marc records for import tool or create bibliographic records for your titles.

Tip: Staff can automatically create a bibliographic record in Koha for a title using the data entered into the ERM module when they create local packages before local titles. Staff can link the titles to the packages created (this auto-creates the title).

Local Package

  • Navigate to E-Resource management > eHoldings > Local > Packages
  • Click + New Package
    • enter the package name (required)
    • vendor - pulling vendor data from the acquisitions module
    • type select the type (default is complete or local). This can be customized in the authorized value forERM_PACKAGE_TYPE (READ MORE).
    • content type - select the content type. This can be customized in the authorized value for ERM_PACKAGE_CONTENT_TYPE. (READ MORE).
    • notes - free text field
  • Click + Add new agreement
    • this will display any agreements created in the erm module for staff to select from.
  • Click Submit.

Local Title

  • Navigate to E-resource management > eHoldings > Local > Titles
  • Click + New Title
    • A publication title is required.
    • Staff can choose from over 20 additional fields to uniquely identify that title in the system.
  • Click + Add to another package to select the package you previously created.
  • Staff will now be able to see the local title they have created in the Koha catalog. When clicking on the local title, they will see a link for Local bibliographic record. This will take them to the bibliographic record created in Koha.
    • Staff can edit the bibliographic record to identify the correct itemtype in the record (942$c).

Koha will map the KBART metadata to MARC21 through the fields outlined in the Koha Manual. (Read More)

Adding Local Titles in Bulk

Staff can batch load eholdings into the Koha ERM using the Stage MARC Records tool to batch load the records.

  • Navigate to Cataloging > Stage MARC records for import
  • Import a File of Records into Koha. (follow the tutorial for first time users)
  • Navigate to Lists
  • Click + New List
  • Add the biblionumbers of the imported bibliographic records to a new local titles list (Read More Using Lists in Koha).
  • Navigate to E-Resource management > eHoldings > Local > Titles
  • Click + Import from list
  • Select from the drop-down menu the local package you want the new local titles to be added to
  • Below the local package you will see a list of "lists"
  • under the actions column select Import to bring the file of titles into the package


There are 2 system preferences that control the access to your EBSCO HoldsIQ.

  • ERMProviderEbscoApiKey - this preference will hold the API key for EBSCO HoldingsIQ. You can contact your EBSCO support team member to find this information.
  • ERMProviderEbscoCustomerID - enter the Customer ID for EBSCO HoldingsIQ in this system preference.

When these system preferences are configured with the API key and EBSCO customer ID, staff can view, and edit, EBSCO holdings within Koha. This would function similarly though the staff was in the EBSCO administration interface.

Important Note: This API connection works both ways between Koha <-> EBSCO. If a staff member makes a change in EBSCO, it will appear in Koha. And if the staff member makes a change in Koha, it will appear in EBSCO.

Searching Packages in EBSCO

  • Navigate to E-resource management > eHoldings > EBSCO > Packages
    • enter the package title or phrase in the search box entitled: Package name
    • uses the dropdown menu for the content type or selection status to filter your results
      • Content type - these types are pulled directly from your EBSCO admin and are not adjustable in Koha.
      • Select status - if set to selected, this will identify the packages the library is subscribed to. A checkbox will appear to the right of the package in the search.

Searching Titles in EBSCO

  • Navigate to E-resource management > eHoldings > EBSCO > Titles
    • enter the publication title in the search box to locate a title in EBSCO
    • use the dropdown menus to filter by publication type or selection status
      • publication type - these types are pulled directly from your EBSCO admin and are not adjustable in Koha.
      • selection status - if set to selected, this will identify the packages the library has subscribed to. A checkbox will appear to the right of the title in the search.

Each title will be hyperlinked if the title is owned by the library (selected). Staff can click on the title to view additional details about the title. This information is being pulled directly from EBSCO and includes data on the following.

  • Title identifier - unique identifier from EBSCO
  • Publication Title - the title of the publication
  • Print format identifier - ISSN of the title
  • Publisher Name - the name of the publisher
  • Publication Type - The type of publication
  • Packages filter - staff can filter the packages the title is included in. If staff want to identify if the title is included in an EBSCO package the library is subscribed to, they can use the selection status to identify it.
  • Packages - some titles may show up in multiple packages the library subscribes to. Staff will always be able to identify what their library subscribes to when they see the green checkbox to the right of the title.

Additional Resources

Koha ERM Module

Koha ERM Module - Agreements

Koha ERM Module - Licensing