Koha How-To
Create a Support Request from Koha Itself!
Koha Support Plugin - What does it do?
Note: This plugin is currently in Beta mode and open to libraries interested in testing its functionality.
The Koha Support plugin provides an easy way of reporting support issues in Koha. Once installed, it is accessible via a button in the lower right hand corner of the screen. Clicking button opens a panel which allows the user to compose a message to a system librarian or ticketing system.
How do I use it?
First you log into Koha and find a problem (or enhancement) to report. With that in hand click on the button in the lower right corner.
This will open up a panel to confirm who you are and how to contact you. The plugin grabs this information from the account you are logged into.
"Next" you'll be presented with a composition page. Provide a subject and compose the problem you are seeing or the enhancement you are envisioning.
With that complete click "Next"!
Before submitting the support message the Plugin will show you all the information it's passively grabbed and that you've actively offered. The URL of the page you are on and basic your account information (how to contact you) is recorded. Then the text of your request is shown to you so you can be sure everything is how you like it before hitting "Submit".
After hitting "Submit" Koha will give you a confirmation message that confirms who you sent the support request to, be it a ticketing system or an ILS Admin.
Where can I get it?
Like all of Koha's Plugins you can find it on Git Hub: https://github.com/bywatersolu...
You can email support@bywatersolutions.com to request we add it to your system.
Read more by Margaret Hade