Staff Spotlight

Staff Spotlight: Cindy Norman

Each month, we highlight one of our talented team members. This month, our Staff Spotlight will focus on Cindy Norman, Business Manager at ByWater Solutions.

Who is Cindy?

Cindy is the Business Manager at ByWater Solutions, and she recently celebrated her 12 year workaversary! Cindy truly wears a myriad of hats in her role at ByWater, from coordinating HR matters such as onboarding new staff, to navigating company insurance policies, to all things financial related.

Cindy is a mom of 2 awesome humans. She graduated from UCSB with a degree in Philosophy and a professional accounting certificate. Cindy also holds a Juris Doctorate from Santa Barbara College of Law and has worked in accounting and Human resources for 25+ years.

Nate Curulla, CRO at ByWater Solutions, commented:

Words cannot express the appreciation we all feel for everything Cindy does for us day in and day out. Cindy is always available to help with anything she can whether or not it has anything to do with her job. She is trusted confidant, calming influence, and a mother to us all and we would not be where we are today without her dedication and help."

Cindy's favorite thing about working at ByWater Solutions

"What is not to love: we have the most amazing owners, all of our employees are hard-working, intelligent, dedicated, and kind. Our partners are engaged, forward thinking and wise. It is truly a community."

Cindy's favorite Open Source memory

I was new to open-source when I started at BWS, but one of my favorite memories is when everyone wore many hats in the early days. I signed in to work to see that BWS was in the middle of a big systemic issue. The entire BWS team dropped what they were doing to help resolve the problem, and within a few hours, the crisis was resolved.It was the most amazing thing I had ever seen. It showed me what an open-source community can do when people think not only of themself but the others around them and having a willingly share their time and knowledge and ask questions to better the community."

Thanks, Cindy for all you do at ByWater Solutions!

Read more by Elise Aiello

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