Library Automation
ByWater Solutions announced that the Cooperative Information Network (CIN) Library is now live on Aspen Discovery with ByWater Support.
Koha ILS
ByWater Solutions announced today that the following library partners sponsored new features in Koha 24.11 Release.
The Koha Community, home of the first free and open-source software library automation package (ILS), has announced the release of 24.11
ByWater Solutions announced that the Ossipee Library is now live on Koha ILS and Aspen Discovery with ByWater Support.
ByWater Solutions announced today that David Sye has joined the ByWater Solutions team!
Aspen Discovery
ByWater Solutions, an open-source community contributor and America’s leading provider of Open-Source library technology announces its plans for upcoming contributions to the Aspen community code.