
New ByWater Solutions Logo

Last week the ByWater Solutions team met up in Santa Barbara for our staff retreat. We talked about all kinds of ways to improve our company (and our service to you) in 2012. The first of these improvements will be a rebranding of the company. This is going to start today with a change in our logo image. Coming soon after will be a complete web redesign (keep that in mind if things look strange on our site in the coming days).

If you plan on attending ALA Midwinter, stop by our booth (#2048) and see the new logo in action.

If you’re using our logo anywhere on your websites just let us know and we’ll send you along an updated image in the right dimensions.

If you’d like to learn a little bit more about our retreat you can see our blog post and check out our Facebook page for photos of the team.

Over the next few months the team here at ByWater will be sending out more updates as we improve workflows and make more enhancements!

Read more by Nicole C.
