Koha ILS

Let's Chat!

We love to talk with our partners, and we love to talk Koha! Now there is one more way you can communicate with us!

You already know we hang out in the Koha Community IRC, and, if you are a partner of ours you can always call, or submit a ticket using RT. You can also find us on social media sites like facebook and twitter. Well now there is one more place to find ByWater Solutions online!

Our website bywatersolutions.com has a web chat feature now! Check out the lower right-hand side!

Just pull up our website and you’ll see the chatbox in the lower right-hand corner.


Click on the upper right-hand corner of the little box and you can start chatting with us!


If we happen to be unavailable, please leave us a message and we will get back to you!

Some things you can chat to us about:

1. Koha is so awesome!
2. ByWater is so awesome!
3. What kind of cheese do you like?

Seriously though, hop on and talk to us, ask us questions, and we will be happy to hear from you. We have already heard from people all over the world. We have gotten questions and comments from Canada, Texas, Malaysia, Jamaica, India, and South Dakota just to name a few! The Koha community is truly international, especially on our website!

We look forward to chatting with you!

Read more by ByWater Staff
