Koha ILS

Koha Hackfest in France

The attendees of the Koha Hackfest (Brendan and Kyle are on the far left)
The attendees of the Koha Hackfest (Brendan and Kyle are on the far left)
Thanks to Biblibre for inviting us to the Koha Hackfest in France. Kyle Hall and I traveled there and enjoyed a long week of working with other developers on signing-off, rebasing, testing, testing, testing, and testing Koha code for inclusion in the next release of Koha. The feature freeze for the release was the last day of the hackfest, so we had a busy week or working on final bits of code for inclusion into Koha. Kyle worked very hard and had to rewrite numerous tests for some key pieces of code. One exciting piece of code was his plugin system – that had passed QA by the end of the week and is currently part of the upcoming release.

I spent most of my week working on rebasing and testing EDIfact code and also signing off on many other important enhancements for Koha.

I highly recommend that anyone and everyone that is reading this post – attend a hackfest (Hint Hint there is one coming up in Reno at KohaCon2013! I suggest, no I recommend, that you attend this amazing event!). They are so motivational and inspiring. During this hackfest there were two concentrations of developers and one large concentration of french librarians that were not developers but were successfully using the sandboxes to test and signoff on bugs! There will (hopefully) be a presentation at KohaCon in Reno that will show everyone how to use the sandboxes and also some higher level git work, that you should look forward to attending.

Read more by Brendan Gallagher
