Koha ILS

Afraid of Koha's Auto-Renew?

As we upgrade our partners to Koha 3.18 I have had a few folks wanting to know how to turn off the “auto renew” option. As many of you may have discovered there is not a system preference for this.
Koha Auto Renew
Never fear, I have a couple of simple jQuery lines that will help out. Place the following code into Koha’s intranetuserjs system preference and you will not have to worry about a staff member accidentally checking the checkbox.


[code language=”javascript” wraplines=”true” toolbar=”true”]

// Hides the Auto-renew feature
$("div.date-select label[for=’auto_renew’]").remove();
$("div.date-select input[id=’auto_renew’]").remove();


Also, it’s important to remember that even if you check the box, nothing will happen if you haven’t turned on the automatic renewals cron job in your Koha system.