Aspen Discovery
Join us the first Thursday of every month for the Aspen Gathering - a meeting to discuss Aspen features, upcoming releases, and how libraries are leveraging Aspen.
Aspen Discovery announced this week that the 23.02.00 release is available. Here is a summary of this exciting release!
Watch the recording of the December Aspen Gathering - a community meeting to discuss Aspen features, upcoming releases, and how libraries are leveraging Aspen.
Watch the recording of the November Aspen Gathering - a community meeting to discuss Aspen features, upcoming releases, and how libraries are leveraging Aspen.
Watch the recording of the October Aspen Gathering - a community meeting to discuss Aspen features, upcoming releases, and how libraries are leveraging Aspen.
Watch the recording of the Thursday, September 7th Aspen Gathering - a community meeting to discuss Aspen features, upcoming releases, and how libraries are leveraging Aspen.