Aspen Discovery
Aspen Discovery Community Announces 25.02 Release
Aspen Discovery announces that the 25.02 release has been deployed to all ByWater Solutions partners.
This release includes code contributions from
ByWater Solutions
- Nick Clemens (WNC)
- Leo Stoyanov (LS)
- Imani Thomas (IT)
Grove For Libraries
- Mark Noble (MDN)
- Kirstien Kroeger (KK)
- Katherine Perdue (KP)
Nashville Public Library
- James Staub (JStaub)
- Alexander Blanchard (AB)
- Chloe Zermatten (CZ)
Theke Solutions
- Lucas Montoya (LM)
Watch Aspen Updates in an Instant - 25.02 Release
25.02.00 Release Notes
Account Updates
- Added renew all, renew checked, and export to csv buttons to the top of the checkout list if 5 or more checkout items. (DIS-158) (IT)
Account Profile Updates
- Properly show and hide fields within account profiles based on the selected ILS. (DIS-220) (MDN)
- Set the default weight for a new account profile and set the correct default driver and authentication type when changing the ILS. (DIS-220) (MDN)
- Do not allow Account Profiles to be batch edited or deleted. (DIS-13) (MDN)
- Do not allow the admin account profile to be deleted. (DIS-13) (MDN)
Administration Updates
- Allow patron types to be associated with account profiles and make uniqueness the combination of the patron type and account profile. (DIS-214) (MDN)
- Do not allow aspen_admin user to be deleted. (DIS-13) (MDN)
- Do not allow aspen_admin user to be edited by anyone other than the aspen_admin user. (DIS-13) (MDN)
- Allow the creation of objects using the editor to be done in two steps so that one property which controls other settings can be defined before the user is prompted for the dependent settings. (MDN)
- Correct label for Search for a Property Control (MDN)
- If a field is read-only, do not change the value to blank when updating an object. (MDN)
- When editing an object, properly display which fields are required and ensure the required attribute is set for the control. (DIS-293) (MDN)
- Add a new property type of dayMonth to allow selecting a date and month for a field. (DIS-291) (MDN)
- When updating objects, make sure that read-only checkboxes do not change values. (DIS-48) (MDN)
New Settings
- Primary Configuration > Patron Types > Account Profile ID
API Updates
- Add a new API to retrieve available sublocations for the system. (DIS-195) (MDN)
- API updates to support using multiple pickup areas within a location. (DIS-195) (MDN)
- Correct critical warning for high wait time when checking site status. (MDN)
- Correct returning Browse Category Title for Browse Categories created from Course Reserves. (MDN)
- Correct code formatting errors and define return types for methods. (MDN)
- Add support for starting a Shared Session with LiDA to open a Grouped Work (DIS-207) (KK)
Aspen LiDA Updates
- When validating authentication tokens for LiDA, use the API keys within Branded App Settings if available, rather than validating against the Greenhouse. (DIS-270) (MDN)
- Allow any user with the permission to modify system variables the permission to enable branded apps, not just aspen_admin. (DIS-270) (MDN)
- Added new setting to show/hide More Info button on the Grouped Work screen in Aspen LiDA. (DIS-207) (KK)
New Settings
- Aspen LiDA > Branded App Settings > API Keys
- Aspen LiDA > General Settings > Show More Info button on Grouped Work Screen
Aspen Events
- Add permissions for administering Aspen Events. (DIS-192) (KP)
- Add interface for creating Aspen Events, event types, event field sets, and event fields. Events have an event type that determines which configurable field set they use. (DIS-192) (KP)
- Add options and calculate dates for event recurrence. Events may repeat daily, weekly, monthly, or annually. (DIS-192) (KP)
- Generate and allow users to manage event instances for each date an event occurs on. (DIS-192) (KP)
- Add Is Valid Event Location option for sublocations. (DIS-192) (KP)
- Allow Aspen Eents to be at specific sublocations. (DIS-192) (KP)
- Add indexer and record driver for Aspen Events. (DIS-192) (KP)
- Index and display event facets, including up to three custom facets. (DIS-192) (KP)
New Permissions
- Events > Administer Field Sets
- Events > Administer Event Types
- Events > Administer Events for All Locations
- Events > Administer Events for Home Library Locations
- Events > Administer Events for Home Location
- Events > View Private Events for All Locations
- Events > View Private Events for Home Library Locations
- Events > View Private Events for Home Location
- Events > View Event Reports for All Libraries
- Events > View Event Reports for Home Library
- Events > Print calendars with header images
New Settings
- Events > Aspen Events - Manage Events
- Events > Aspen Events > Event Fields
- Events > Aspen Events > Event Field Sets
- Events > Aspen Events > Event Types
- Events > Aspen Events > Indexing Settings
Carl.X Updates
- Add Lost items to Checked Out page (DIS-244) (JStaub)
Circulation Reports Updates
- Nashville-only: Circulation Reports handle Aspen location codes in lower case when Carl.X branch codes are uppercase (DIS-312) (JStaub)
- Nashville-only: Allow student checkout report to be filtered by library system (DIS-309) (JStaub)
Docker Updates
- Add an environment variable useful for tunnel service (LM)
Event Updates
- Correct indexing events sources that have multiple settings for them. (DIS-365) (MDN)
Evergreen Updates
- Extend the timeout for loading reading history for Evergreen. (MDN)
- Properly handle titles that no longer exist within Evergreen when loading reading history for a patron. (MDN)
- When importing lists from Evergreen, ensure that list entries have their titles set so the lists can be sorted by title. (MDN)
- Correct error when processing PIN Reset within Evergreen. (MDN)
Hold Updates
- When placing a volume hold, display an error message if a volume has not been selected. (DIS-34) (MDN)
Indexing Profile Updates
- Add Indexing profiles in 2 steps. First set the name and indexing class and then set the remaining information. (DIS-230) (MDN)
- When creating an indexing profile, ensure that the name and record url component are unique and that the indexing profile is attached to an account profile. (DIS-230) (MDN)
- When creating indexing profiles, create default mappings for bibliographic and item information based on the selected indexing class. (DIS-230) (MDN)
- Reorganize Indexing Profile page to be easier to navigate. (DIS-230) (MDN)
- Display or hide fields within the Indexing Profile according to the ILS that the Indexing Profile is attached to. (DIS-230) (MDN)
- Remove unused Grouping Class and Record Driver Fields. (DIS-230) (MDN)
Indexing Updates
- Add the option of only indexing records by the 856 field if the record does not have eContent items. (DIS-196) (AB)
- Created isOffline and quitIfOffline in SystemUtils to share common behavior across exporters (DIS-222) (IT)
- Updated all ILS exporters to check for offline mode and message and exit if enabled (DIS-222) (IT)
- Removed unused isOffline from KohaExportMain. (DIS-222) (IT)
Install Updates
- Ensure that garbage collection is run to clean up old sessions on Debian Systems (DIS-371) (MDN)
Local Administrators
- Allow local administrators to be defined within Aspen. (DIS-13) (MDN)
- Local administrators must have a strong password from 12 to 50 characters. They may be created blank initially to force password reset. (DIS-13) (MDN)
- Local administrators may be given the ability to use Two-Factor Authentication if desired. (DIS-13) (MDN)
- Local administrators can reset their PIN/Password after logging in. (DIS-13) (MDN)
- Local administrators can utilize forgotten PIN/Password reset via email functionality. (DIS-13) (MDN)
- Local administrators are not allowed to link to other accounts and cannot be linked to from other accounts. (DIS-13) (MDN)
- Hide preference for Show Checkouts and Holds in Results for local administrators within My Preferences. (DIS-13) (MDN)
- Hide Contact Information for local administrators. (DIS-13) (MDN)
New Permissions
- System Administration > Manage Local Administrators
Koha Updates
- When existing volumes during indexing, only load volumes for the current indexing profile. (MDN)
- For libraries that use Koha as their ILS, and use the koha-plugin-newsletter-consent plugin (DIS-98)
- Administrator with the permission to edit library settings will be able to toggle on/off the 'Enable ILS-issued consents' setting under the 'Data Protection Regulations' section. (DIS-98) (CZ)
- if the Koha plugin has not been installed and enabled in Koha, then the 'Enable ILS-issued consents' setting will not appear as it requires the plugin to be installed and enabled. (DIS-98) (CZ)
- if the Koha plugin is uninstalled or disabled in Koha while 'Enable ILS-issued consents' is toggled on, 'Enable ILS-issued consents' will still display. (DIS-98) (CZ)
- If 'Enable ILS-issued consents' is enabled:
- the 'Privacy Settings' options will appear in patron's side menus. (DIS-98) (CZ)
- In the self-registration form, under a ‘Privacy’ section, patrons need to see information about the consent types set by their library in Koha. For example, they may be given the opportunity to receive the library’s newsletter. (DIS-98) (CZ)
- Patrons will be able to choose to opt in, which implies that consent is not assumed by default. (DIS-98) (CZ)
- Patrons will be able to submit their consent along with their registration form. (DIS-98) (CZ)
- Patrons will be sent to Koha, where it is stored. (DIS-98) (CZ)
- Patrons will be able to view and change their consent information (as retrieved from Koha) at any point through the ‘Your Account > Privacy Settings ’ section. (DIS-98) (CZ)
- If ILS consent is enabled in the Aspen settings, but the Koha plugin is disabled or uninstalled, patron will see an informative message in 'Privacy Settings'. (DIS-98) (CZ)
- Administrator with the permission to edit library settings will be able to toggle on/off the 'Enable ILS-issued consents' setting under the 'Data Protection Regulations' section. (DIS-98) (CZ)
Local ILL
- When displaying actions for a record, if the record (or group of records) requires local ILL and all volumes are not part of the active hold group, show a message that requests are not available. (DIS-34) (MDN)
- When showing the list of volumes that a patron can place holds for in the modal, disable any volumes that cannot be requested. (DIS-34) (MDN)
- Add ILLPENDING to the list of statuses treated as Local ILL. (DIS-34) (MDN)
Material Request Updates
- Allow some patron types to submit unlimited material requests. (DIS-256) (MDN)
- Allow requests per calendar year to be based on a start date selected by the library rather than using January 1st always. (DIS-291) (MDN)
- When placing a request, check to see if the title already exists within the catalog and if so, let the patron know. This check can be disabled within library settings. (DIS-320) (MDN)
- When managing requests, if "Check Requests for Existing Titles in the Catalog" is on for a library, show a new column that indicates if the request exists in the catalog, exists in another format, or does not exist. The value is checked once per day. (DIS-320) (MDN)
- Aspen Weekly: Aspen Materials Request System: Hold Placement
New Settings
- Primary Configuration > Library Systems > Materials Request > Yearly Request Calendar Start Date
- Primary Configuration > Library Systems > Materials Request > Check Requests for Existing Titles in the Catalog
Open Archives Updates
- Eliminate the time portion of display dates from Aspen Open Archives search results (DIS-242) (JStaub)
OverDrive Updates
- Enhanced subtitle filtering for OverDrive records by ignoring the subtitle "number one bestseller". (DIS-211) (LS)
Polaris Updates
- When loading patron types and libraries from Polaris, automatically associate them with the correct account profile. (DIS-214) (MDN)
- Correctly send the pickup area to Polaris if the user has chosen to remember their pickup area. (DIS-48) (MDN)
- Fixes for remembering pickup area within Aspen. (DIS-48) (MDN)
Record Display Updates
- When showing book summary (520), include $c in addition to $a. (DIS-236) (MDN)
- When showing notes for a MARC record, separate subfields with a space rather than a comma. (DIS-236) (MDN)
Sideload Updates
- Remove unused Grouping Class and Record Driver Fields. (DIS-230) (MDN)
Theme Updates
- Make the default Cover Image Style "Shadow / Floating" for new themes. (DIS-282) (MDN)
Two-Factor Authentication
- Link Two-Factor Authentication to Account Profiles so local administrators can use Two-Factor Authentication. (DIS-13) (MDN)
- Correct multistep creation to not return an incorrect error if no changes are made in the second step. (DIS-13, DIS-329) (MDN)
Usage Tables Updates
- Added a unique composite index on
(userAgentId, year, month, instance)
. (DIS-250) (LS) - Added update call in
to update IP Address request counter. (DIS-250) (LS) - Moved the initialization of local time in
to occur before any usage table operations. (DIS-250) (LS) - Changed update calls to user usage table to be atomic SQL queries. (DIS-250) (LS)
User List Updates
- Modified
to do SQL-level pagination rather than PHP array slicing of all list entries. (DIS-305) (LS) - Removed dynamic weighting from
. (DIS-305) (LS) - Moved weighting to be performed when titles are added or removed from a patron's list. (DIS-305) (LS)
- Update Koha importListFromILS to include the title on the created user_list_entry record. (DIS-225) (IT)
- Update UserListEntry to grab a title from the grouped work associated with its source ID if it is given no title and the grouped work is available. (DIS-225) (IT)
- Change substr to mb_substr in MyList.php BulkAddTitles when figuring out the title for the new user list entry (DIS-225) (IT)
- Use mb_substr to preserve diacritics in lists (DIS-178) (WNC)
now callsUserList::getListEntries()
with a proper number of arguments for SQL-level pagination. (DIS-376) (LS)
Web Builder Updates
- Add a message when saving a Grapes JS Template or Page to confirm it has been updated successfully. (DIS-92) (AB)
- Fixed an issue preventing administrators from saving a 'URL to link image to' from the 'WebBuilder Portal Cells' page. (CZ)
Other Updates
- Reformat template files to use tabs rather than spaces at the beginning of lines. (MDN)
- Remove some old database updates that are now part of the standard default database. (DIS-237) (MDN)
- Streamline where Action.php is included. (DIS-247) (MDN)
- Allow Release Notes to be bookmarked. (DIS-255) (MDN)
- Correctly format the Date Scheduled and Date Run fields within the Scheduled Update Details popup. (MDN)
- Improve reliability of authenticating tokens for LiDA (DIS-269) (MDN)
- Make Download Supplemental File buttons translatable. (DIS-265) (MDN)
- Correct backup file extensions to look for when checking site status. (DIS-370) (MDN)
- While adding and editing sublocations, handle cases where the parent library is not attached to an account profile. (MDN)
- Reorganized the user agent and IP address usage tracking, so it only runs once the instance is confirmed valid and found. (DIS-257) (LS)
- Delete vestigial logging configuration (DIS-243) (JStaub)
Aspen LiDA Updates
Account Updates
- When a library has multiple sublocations that are valid as pickup areas, allow the user to change the pickup area when changing the pickup location. (DIS-195) (MDN)
- On the Library Card screen, fixed a bug where 'Manage Alternate Library Card' button was displayed when the library did not have the feature enabled. (DIS-201) (KK)
Grouped Work Updates
- Add 'More Info' button at the bottom of the Grouped Work screen to open up the grouped work in Aspen Discovery to provide the user with additional details. (DIS-207) (KK)
Holds Updates
- When a library has multiple sublocations that are valid as pickup areas, allow the user to select a pickup area when placing a hold. (DIS-195) (MDN)
- When displaying a list of items to place a hold on, include item location and status to match the display within Aspen. (DIS-202) (MDN)
- When displaying holds for a patron, include the call number for the hold if available. (DIS-202) (MDN)
- When freezing holds, wait for all freeze operations to complete to show accurate results. (DIS-203) (MDN)
- If the title for a hold cannot be loaded, display "Title Not Available" to match Discovery. (DIS-203) (MDN)
- When freezing a hold (either single, selected, or all), do not show the calendar to select a thaw date if the ILS does not support reactivation dates. (DIS-204) (MDN)
Search Updates
- Respect sort order for facets (Alphabetic or By Number of Results) when showing facet values within Aspen LiDA. (DIS-206) (MDN)
Other Updates
- Display a popup message to patrons if app settings cannot be loaded when loading LiDA. (DIS-268) (MDN)
- When copying .env files during the build process, check for local .env files (prefixed by the slug). (DIS-270) (MDN)
- Pass app slug to Aspen Discovery as a header. (DIS-270) (MDN)
- Added check to make sure
is not null before callinghasIlsConsentSupport()
. (DIS-394) (LS)
Special Testing thanks to
- Myranda Fuentes (Grove)
- Jordan Fields (Grove)
- Kate Lozyk (ByWater Solutions)
- Elaine Greenfield (Minuteman Library Network)
- James Staub (Nashville Public Library)
Special Documentation thanks to
- Myranda Fuentes (Grove)
- Jordan Fields (Grove)
- Desiree Saunders (WYLD)
- Aude Charillon (PTFS-Europe)
This release includes sponsored developments from
- Colorado Department of Corrections
- Colorado Library Consortium (CLiC)
- Greater Manchester Inter Library Consortial System (GMILCS)
- Metropolitan Library System
- Minuteman Library Network
- San Luis Obispo County Library
Read more by Elise Aiello