Aspen Discovery

Aspen Discovery 24.06.00 Release Notes

Aspen Discovery announced this week that the 24.06.00 release is now available.

See Release Summary Here.

24.06.00 Release Notes

This release includes code contributions from:

ByWater Solutions

  • Mark Noble (MDN)
  • Kirstin Kroeger (KK)
  • Kodi Lein (KL)
  • Liz Rea (LR)
  • Morgan Daigneault (MKD)
  • Katherine Perdue (KP)


  • Pedro Amorim (PA)
  • Alexander Blanchard (AB)
  • Jacob O'Mara (JOM)

Main Library Alliance

  • Mike Grgurev (MG)

Accessibility Updates

  • Libby lending period options are now select elements to make them keyboard accessible and easily indicate selected values. (KK)

Aspen Discovery Support Updates

  • Added additional fields in the "Submit Ticket" form to make it easier to share important information when making those submissions. (KK)

Help Center Documentation

Aspen LiDA Administration Updates

  • In Branded App Settings, added an option to allow users to log in without being prompted to select a location at login using their home location. (KK)

New Settings

  • Aspen LiDA > Branded App Settings > Use User Home Location When Logging In

Help Center Documentation

CARL.X Updates

  • When processing records to reload, force the record to be updated from Carl.X during the indexing process. (MDN)

Collection Spotlight Updates

  • Fix display of 'small' covers in collection spotlights (PA)
  • Fixed issue in collection spotlights 'Tabbed display' that prevented switching tabs when the display type was one of the following: 'Single Title', 'Single Title with next button' and 'Text Only List'
  • Fixed issue in collection spotlights 'Drop Down List' that prevented switching list using the dropdown list.
  • Fixed issue in collection spotlights that prevented the active tab from having the correct 'active' style appliedm in 'Tabbed display'
  • Fixed issue with replacing spotlight tabs with a new search (KP)

Database Cleanup

  • Remove requirement for unsaved searches to be two days old before deletion. They are now deleted each time the cron runs, In keeping with GDPR.

ECommerce Updates

  • Added NCR Payments Integration (KL)

New Permissions

  • Administer NCR - Controls if the user can change NCR settings.
  • New Settings

  • eCommerce > NCR Payments Settings

Help Center Documentation

EDS Updates

  • Add toggle for defaulting "Full Text" Limiter on/off (KL)

New Settings

  • EBSCO EDS > Settings > Full Text Limiter

Help Center Documentation

Events Updates

  • Removed copy events facet group for now pending other events changes (KP)

Evergreen Updates

  • When processing records to reload, force the record to be updated from Evergreen during the indexing process. (MDN)

Indexing and Grouping Updates

  • Add additional settings for each row within the format table within Indexing Profiles to control if the value is used when determining format based on Material Type, Bib Level, Shelving Location, Sublocation, Collection, Item Type, Item Format, and/or Fallback format. (MDN)
  • Show the grouping format that will be used for each value within the format table within an Indexing Profile. (MDN)
  • Add a new Diagnostic panel for Grouped Work indexing. When selected, additional information will be stored for the work during indexing to help diagnose why records were given a particular format. (MDN)
  • When normalizing subtitles, remove "The Graphic Novel" in addition to just "Graphic Novel" (MDN)
  • When manually grouping records, add the authorized author if available rather than the original author. (MDN)
  • Default format category of Wonderbook to Audio Books. (MDN)
  • Add information to the log if a translation map value cannot be parsed as a regular expression. (MDN)
  • Corrections for loading formats and grouping when using Mat Type from Sierra. (MDN)
  • Combine default format maps into a single file. (MDN)
  • Properly filter Blu-ray format for Xbox Series X. (MDN)
  • Add format match on 655a where if it equals "manga" the format "Manga" will be added (KL)
  • Fixed issue where target audiences were not being mapped with the correct translation map values (KL)

New Settings

  • ILS Integration > Indexing Profiles > Format Information > Applies to Mat Type?
  • ILS Integration > Indexing Profiles > Format Information > Applies to Bib Level?
  • ILS Integration > Indexing Profiles > Format Information > Applies to Item Shelving Location?
  • ILS Integration > Indexing Profiles > Format Information > Applies to Item Sublocation?
  • ILS Integration > Indexing Profiles > Format Information > Applies to Item Collection?
  • ILS Integration > Indexing Profiles > Format Information > Applies to Item Type?
  • ILS Integration > Indexing Profiles > Format Information > Applies to Bib Level?
  • ILS Integration > Indexing Profiles > Format Information > Applies to Fallback Format?

Help Center Documentation - General Information: Format Map

Help Center Documentation - Koha Specific: Format Map

Help Center Documentation - Sierra Specific: Format Map

Koha Updates

  • When a user has opted out of auto-renewal, do not show auto-renewal message even if the title is otherwise eligible for auto-renewal. (MDN)
  • When processing records to reload, force the record to be updated from Koha during the indexing process. (MDN)
  • Remove any OPACUserCss configurations added in Koha when web scraping. (JOM)
  • Translate error messages while performing self registration. (MDN)
  • If a patron has an extended attribute of SHOUTBOMB, show that attribute on the messaging preferences page in addition to showing it on the contact information page. (MDN)
  • Show a blank value for Koha extended attributes if they are not required, and they are linked to an authorized value. (MDN)

Location Updates

  • Fixed a bug where updating coordinates required two saves to properly store the values from the Google API. (KK)

Open Archives Updates

  • Added extra error logging to OAI extraction (KL)

OverDrive Updates

  • Removed Magazines from Lending Periods on the Options page due to OverDrive no longer supporting it. (KK)
  • Show when a record has been ungrouped from other works within staff view and allow them to be regrouped. (MDN)

Palace Project Updates

  • When checking for titles checked out within Palace Project add a parameter to not check external systems like OverDrive, Boundless, and cloudLibrary. (MDN)

Polaris Updates

  • When processing records to reload, force the record to be updated from Polaris during the indexing process. (MDN)
  • Correct typo within indexing logs. (MG)

Searching Updates

  • Fixed issue where multi select facets were not allowing multiple values to be selected when searching anything except the main catalog. (events, websites, OAI, etc) (KL, MDN)

Sierra Updates

  • When processing records to reload, force the record to be updated from Sierra during the indexing process. (MDN)
  • Optimize API call when loading holds from Sierra. (MDN)

Side Load Updates

  • Allow Side Loaded records to be treated as physical materials rather than eContent. (MDN)
  • Allow Side Loaded records to use the label from the 856 link as the label for the action button. (MDN)
  • If a Side Load has multiple 856 links in a record, display multiple actions for that record. (MDN)
  • Change labels for Side Loaded eContent to Side Loaded Content to reflect the ability to side load physical materials. (MDN)

New Settings

  • Side Loads > Settings > Use Link Text For Button Label
  • Side Loads > Settings > Convert Format to eContent

Help Center Documentation

Sierra Updates

  • When linking to ILS course reserves, use the Vendor Opac Url in the Account Profile rather than the URL in config.ini. (MDN)
  • When using the "Pickup at" setting within the Format Map, properly load available locations when the location code is not the entire location code of the item. (MDN)
  • Add additional handling for looking up titles for holds and checkouts if the item id cannot be found in Aspen. (MDN)
  • When freezing selected or all holds, do not show a prompt for reactivation date. (MDN)
  • When freezing holds, make sure that success and error messages show appropriately. (MDN)
  • Create a new Under Consideration status that can be used for order items that the library has not committed to purchase. (MDN)
    • Libraries can select which status code is used to generate the new status.
    • Titles with a status of Under Consideration will be displayed after all titles that are On Order or that have been previously purchased when sorting by Date Purchased.
    • Titles with a status of Under Consideration will have a date added of Under Consideration which will be shown at the end of the list of date ranges.

New Settings

  • ILS Integration > Indexing Profiles > Sierra Settings > Order Record Status to treat as Under Consideration

Help Center Documentation

Summon Updates

  • Limited Summon Search results to those within the library's own subscription. (AB / JOM)
  • Added limit filters for Summon Search - search by whether record is scholarly and whether it is peer reviewed. (AB / JOM)
  • Added control over whether images available from the API are used in a Summon Search or whether Aspen created covers only should be used - impacts load speed. (AB)

New Settings

  • Primary Configuration > Library Systems > Summon > Show Available Covers in Summon

Help Center Documentation

System Updates

  • Add automated blocking of some poorly behaved bots within apache configuration files. (MDN, LR)
  • Track requests by User Agent. (MDN)
  • Allow user agents to be identified as bots within Aspen and allow traffic by specific user agents to be blocked within Aspen. (MDN)
  • Add reporting of traffic by User Agent. (MDN)
  • Fix issue with sql dump imports giving error "Unknown command '-'" due to new mariaDB sandbox mode update (KL)

New Settings

  • Primary Configuration > User Agents
  • System Reports > Usage by User Agent

New Permissions

  • Administer User Agents

Help Center Documentation

Theme Updates

  • Added a new browse category display mode designed to be more accessible. (KK)

New Settings

  • Theme & Layout > Themes > Browse Categories > Use Accessible Layout

Help Center Documentation

Other Updates

  • Update escaping of facet values so that translatable facet values can be translated in translation mode. (MDN)
  • Fix translation mode for Export to CSV buttons in the Admin interface. (MDN)
  • Increase Patron Type field length in user table to 50 characters to match ptype table. (MDN) Help Center Documentation
  • Add Accessibility Note (532 Field) to the Notes section when viewing a MARC record. (MDN) Help Center Documentation
  • Display the full language rather than language code in More Details of a full record. (MDN) Help Center Documentation
  • Correctly format the due date from a SIP checkout for Sierra. (KK)
  • Correctly update database when covers are reloaded and uploaded. (MDN)
  • Cleanup code in Grouped Work AJAX code. (MDN)
  • Added new Documentation links to several settings pages (MKD)
  • Updates to default user roles: removed testing roles and a couple uncommonly used roles; updated role titles (MKD)
  • Updated the merge_javascript.php script to be relative to the location of the file, not the location the script was run from. (JOM)
  • Amend typo in previous database updates (JOM)
  • Remove some columns from the library table that were no longer in use. (MDN)

Aspen LiDA Updates

  • When a Libby title on hold is ready for checkout, users can now checkout the title from the Holds screen. (KK)
  • For Community app users, the Privacy Policy link in the More menu will now open again. (KK)
  • Fixed a bug where some devices were not displaying a back button when necessary. (KK)
  • On Grouped Work screen for side loads, the Access Online button will again properly open the content. (KK)
  • Fixed a bug preventing a user from switching languages and automatically re-rendering with updated translations. (KK)
  • Fixed a bug where certain devices would not display a visible back button in the header. (KK)
  • On the Checkouts screen, the Access Online action for Libby items will now use the library's preferred reader name. (KK)
  • On the Checkouts screen, the Access Online action for Libby items will now properly again open the content in the in-app browser. (KK)
  • Added an alert to warn Android 11 or older users that they will no longer receive app updates. (KK)
  • Updated the minimum iOS version to 16, users with older versions will no longer receive app updates or be able to download the app. (KK)
  • Removed the Notification Onboarding prompt. (KK)

Watch the 24.06.00 Aspen Updates in an Instant Recording

Watch a short highlight video of the some of the new features available in 24.06.00

Read more by Mark Noble

Tags release notes, Release