Aspen Discovery

Setting Up PayPal

Our Aspen integration uses PayPal's REST-APIs (

Note: This is not the same as PayPal Pal Flow. Please check that you have the correct credentials and PayPal account in order to set up this integration.

We can add your PayPal settings at any time during implementation. If you would like to test using Sandbox mode, follow the below instructions but choose the Sandbox credentials instead. Then select "Use PayPal Sandbox" when setting up in eCommerce > PayPal Settings. Important: If using Sandbox credentials, we recommend that you switch over to Live credentials immediately after you have tested PayPal functions to your satisfaction. You must switch over to Live credentials before your site goes live!

To add the integration, you will need to get your Client ID and Client Secret.

Get Information From PayPal:

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Once you have the credentials, enter them in Aspen Administration > eCommerce > PayPal Settings. Next, set up configurations in the corresponding Library System in Aspen Administration > Primary Configuration > Library Systems > Fines/ e-commerce.

Testing with PayPal Sandbox

To test transactions in Aspen, in Aspen Administration > eCommerce > PayPal Settings, make sure you have Use PayPal Sandbox checked.

Next, you will need to obtain your PayPal Sandbox credentials. Using any other credit card information with the Sandbox account will produce errors.

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Read more by Kalleen Marquise
