Patron Testing following checklist will walk you through steps to test your Patron skills in your new Koha system, each step includes a link to the most recent Koha manual and a tutorial video if one exists.

Searching Patrons & Patron Details

  • Browse your patrons by the first letter of their last name. Confirm that the data looks as you expect it to. (Learn more)
  • Search for a patron by last name. Confirm that the data looks as you expect it to. (Learn more)
  • Search for a patron by first name. Confirm that the data looks as you expect it to. (Learn more)
  • Search for a patron by full name (first then last or last then first). Confirm that the data looks as you expect it to. (Learn more)
  • Search for a patron by card number/barcode. Confirm that the data looks as you expect it to. (Learn more)
  • Search for a patron by first name in a specific patron category. Confirm that the data looks as you expect it to. (Learn more)
  • Search for a patron by last name at a specific branch. Confirm that the data looks as you expect it to. (Learn more)
  • Perform a broad patron search. Confirm that the data looks as you expect it to. (Learn more)

Adding & Editing Patrons

  • Add a new adult patron. (Learn more | Tutorial Video)
  • Attach a child patron to the adult patron you just added (if you have a children type at your library). (Learn more | Tutorial Video)
  • Add a new child patron from the main patron's page. (Learn more | Tutorial Video)
  • Add a staff patron. (Learn more | Tutorial Video)
  • Add a statistical patron. (Learn more | Tutorial Video)
  • Give your new staff patron permissions needed at your circulation desk. (Learn more | Tutorial Video)
  • Change your patron's messaging preferences to include Item Checkin/Item Checkout in Email form. (Learn more)
  • Set the patron's enhanced messaging preference of an advance due notice to 3 days. (Learn more)
  • Edit your adult patron and flag their library card as lost. (Learn more)
  • Search for a self registered patron (if you're allowing this) and edit them to make them a regular (adult or child) patron. (Learn more)
  • Add a message to your patron's account. (Learn more)
  • Place a manual restriction on this patron. (Learn more)
  • Add a SMS number to your patron account and choose the carrier. Ensure one message will be delivered by SMS.(Learn more)
  • Add an OPAC message to patron's account. Log into the OPAC with patron's account- see the message. (Learn more)
  • Add a Circulation Note to your patron's account. (Learn more)
  • If allowing, add an image to your patron's account. (Learn more)

Fines & Fees

  • Charge a manual invoice to your patron of over $25. (Learn more)
  • Make a payment of $15 to your patron's account in Cash. (Learn more)
  • Add a second manual invoice to your patron. (Learn more)
  • Write off one invoice to your patron's account. (Learn more)
  • Void the payment of $15. (Learn More)
  • View "Print Summary" for Patron. (Learn more)

If you have further questions on how to use Koha be sure to use your support provider’s ticketing system or the Koha mailing lists and chat room.

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Read more by Jessie Zairo
