Koha Tutorial Videos

Monday Minutes: Notices & Slips Enhancements

In this week's Monday Minutes, Nick and Jessie show off new Notices and Slips enhancements in 24.11!

Bug 36815 - Add the option to 'Reset to default' in the notices editor

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Bug 36758 - We should notify an assignee when they are assigned a ticket

Sponsored by PTFS Europe

Bug 29194 - Patron messaging preferences should be logically ordered

Bug 23295 - Automatically debar patrons if SMS or email notice fail

Notices Editor

This enhancement adds a new 'View default' button to the notices editor for notices that ship in the sample data for Koha.

This button allows you to display the default sample notice in a popup modal and even reset the notice your currently editing to that default

View Default

Notices & Slips

This enhancement to catalog concerns notifies staff when a new concern is assigned to them for action (when CatalogConcerns and OpacCatalogConcerns are enabled). It uses a new TICKET_ASSIGNED notice. No notice is sent when it is self-assigned.

This adds a new notice trigger to allow notifying assigned staff that they have been assigned a new catalog concern to action.

Read more about Catalog Concerns in the Koha Manual.

Patron Messaging Preferences

This changes the sequence of the notices in the messaging preferences table to be more logical and roughly chronological.

In releases prior to 24.11 in Koha, the table is ordered by 'message_attribute_id' and this is not a simple way to sort. This enhancement introduces a 'logical' ordering:

  • Holds options together
  • ILL options together
  • item option in process order: Checkout, Predue, Due, Checkin
Patron Messaging Preferences

System Preference

New System Preference: RestrictPatronsWithFailedNotices

This enhancement adds the new system preference 'RestrictPatronsWithFailedNotices' to allow Koha to automatically restrict patrons when SMS or email notices fail to reach them. The system preference is turned off by default. To turn it on, set the system preference to 'Apply'.

For ByWater Solutions partners: please submit a ticket and let us know you will be seting the system preference to apply and require the misc/cronjobs/restrict_patrons_with_failed_notices.pl cronjob.

Additional Resources

Koha 24.11 Release Notes

Monday Minutes: 24.11 Preview

The Koha Community Announces 24.11 Release

Koha 24.11 Upgrades Hub

Read more by Jessie Zairo

Tags Monday Minutes