Koha Tutorial Videos

Monday Minutes: Administration Enhancements

In this week's Monday Minutes, Nick and Jessie show off new Administration enhancements in 24.11!


Bug 37188 - Batch patron modification from report results should be an option when borrowernumber is selected

Column Configuration

Bug 33484 - Ability to remember user's selected table configuration and search filters for tables

Staff Permissions

Bug 30623 - Copy permissions from one user to another


Bug 35402 - Update the OPAC and staff interface to Bootstrap 5

Reports - Batch Patron Modification

This enhancement ads an option to batch-modify patrons from a report. In prior releases to 24.11, Batch Patron Modification was not displayed as an option in the reports module.

When the borrowernumber is used to run a report, an option for batch patron modifications will appear in the dropdown menu.

  1. Navigate to the Reports Module
  2. Run a report that includes the borrowers.borrowernumber field
  3. Click Batch operations with visible records
  4. Notice a new option for Batch patron modification
Option for Batch Patron Modification

Example Report Run

SELECT b.borrowernumber, b.surname as tee_surname, b.firstname as tee_firstname, b.cardnumber as tee_card, g.surname as tor_surname, g.firstname as tor_firstname, g.cardnumber as tor_card

FROM borrowers b left join borrower_relationships on (b.borrowernumber=borrower_relationships.guarantee_id) left join borrowers g on (borrower_relationships.guarantor_id=g.borrowernumber)

WHERE b.categorycode='ch'


Column Configuration

This new feature adds two new options to the table settings.

  1. Save configuration state on page change: save the column visibility, length of the table and order in session.
  2. Save search state on page change: save the search and filtering in session.
    1. Note: This does not work on the holdings table cgi-bin/koha/catalogue/detail.pl?biblionumber=

When enabled the state of the table, meaning the column selection and search filters, will be restored to what as formerly set by the user.

When you hide columns permanently using the settings on the table configuration page in the administration module, it will require users to log out/log in again for the change to take effect.

You will also notice a new button "Copy shareable link" is added to the tables. It will copy a link with the current state of the table into the clipboard, so you can save it as a bookmark or share it with someone else.

Staff Permissions

This enhancement makes it much easier to create staff users with similar or identical permission profiles by allowing it to copy the permission settings from one user to another.

  1. Navigate to a Staff patron account that has permissions selected
  2. Click Set Permissions from the More Dropdown Menu
  3. Notice a new button Copy Settings
  4. Click Copy Settings
  5. Navigate to a staff member you want to copy the same permissions set to
  6. Click Set Permissions from the More Dropdown Menu
  7. Notice a new button Paste Settings
  8. Click Paste permissions
  9. Click Save

Note: there is an option to Forget copied permissions if you no longer want to use the permission set originally copied. Click the carrot next to Copy Settings to view the Forget Copied permissions option.

Copy Settings
Forget copied permissions


This enhancement updates the version of the Bootstrap library that Koha uses from Bootstrap 4 to Bootstrap 5 (Bootstrap 4 is end of life and is no longer updated).

We use Bootstrap for the OPAC and staff interface to help keep Koha's styling consistent and responsive.

You can view a short video on Bootstrap 5 here.

Additional Resources

Koha 24.11 Release Notes

Monday Minutes: 24.11 Preview

The Koha Community Announces 24.11 Release

Koha 24.11 Upgrades Hub

Read more by Jessie Zairo

Tags Monday Minutes