Koha Tutorial Videos

Monday Minutes: Exporting Reports into CSV

In this week's Monday Minutes, Kelly and Jessie show how to export reports as a csv file for the purpose of importing in a third party product.

In this week's Monday Minutes, we use an example for email marketing to import data into a third party product.

Report Example

SELECT borrowers.cardnumber,borrowers.firstname,borrowers.surname,borrowers.email as "Email Address"

FROM borrowers

WHERE borrowers.categorycode=<<categorycode|categorycode>> and borrowers.email != ''

ORDER BY borrowers.surname asc

Email Marketing Examples

Import Contacts to Mailchimp.

Import a list of contacts from a file or spreadsheet in Constant Contact.

Additional Resources

Self Paced Learning in Koha: Reports

Read more by Jessie Zairo

Tags Monday Minutes, reports