Monday Minutes: Customizing Facets

Tutorial Video about Facets

System Preferences

Jessie and Kelly talked about the following system preferences that control your facets found on both the staff interface and the OPAC.

displayFacetCount- Show/Don't Show

facet counts. The relevance of these numbers highly depends on the value of the maxRecordsForFacets preference. Applies to OPAC and staff interface.

This is what it would look like if a library chose to show the facet count

DisplayLibraryFacets- show facets for Home Library, Holding Library, or for both. By default, this will be set to Holding Library.

FacetMaxCount-how many facets show under each Heading (author, series, topics, etc). By default, this is set to 20. But if your library wanted to show more than 20 facets at a time, this value can be edited.

maxRecordsForFacets-(this system preference pertains to Zebra indexing ONLY). Build facets based on ______ records from the search results. By default, this is set to 20. When a search is built, Koha will look at the first 20 results and build the facets. If a library would like Koha to look at more results, this number can be increased, so it is capturing more options for their patrons to refine their search on.

Note: If you have your system preference set to SearchEngine Elastic Search the preference maxRecordsForFactes will be ignored.

Note: This can slow down the search, so increase this number slowly and keep monitoring the OPAC's speed. If the number is very large, populating a search may take a long time.

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Read more by Kelly McElligott
