Here is a short tutorial on how to modify a patron's password through the Staff Client in Koha.
Patron Account
As noted in the Tutorial Video, there are other ways to eliminate staff intervention with this process. Koha does have the option for patrons to reset their password and change their password through the OPAC.
Monday Minutes: Password Changes by Patron Category
if your library is an Aspen library- here is a blog post on the Aspen process:
Password Reset via Email in Aspen Discovery
When needing to change a patron password through the Staff Client, the staff member will see a "Change password" option from the Patron's Account Page.

Staff will not be able to see or access what the patron had for a password, the only option here would be to create a new password for the patron.
If a library has Patron Modification logs turned on, this change is tracked through the logs which can be extremely helpful at times!
Read more by Kelly McElligott