Koha How-To

Koha Question of the Week: Can ByWater Solutions Recommend a Printer, RFID Device, or Scanner?

Each Friday, we will bring you a new Koha Question of the Week. We will select real questions that we receive and share the answers with you!

Question: Can ByWater Solutions Recommend a Printer, RFID Device, or Scanner?

Answer: Frequently, partners want to hear recommendations of other library products like printers, label makers, scanners, RFID devices, or even pickup lockers. For tools like this, we really can't offer firsthand endorsements; at best, we may have a couple names of products that we remember some partners are using because we helped out with setup, but we don't know firsthand how well things may work on the day-to-day basis.

However, the Koha community truly embodies the ideal of paying forward their knowledge and experience, so we encourage partners to reach out to other librarians for first-hand recommendations that have worked well, especially for things like printers or scanners where the number of options can be truly daunting and librarians just want to be able to narrow the search down a bit or make sure the one they were considering won't fall apart in the first six months of use.

During implementation, we invite partners to join our mailing list and our Slack community, where they can draw on the wealth of librarians eager to share their experiences. Missed those invitations or want to be added again? Reach out to us!