Koha How-To

Koha Question of the Week: How Do I Get Rid of a Credit or Debit Type We're No Longer Using?

Each Friday, we will bring you a new Koha Question of the Week. We will select real questions that we receive and share the answers with you!

Question: How Do I Get Rid of a Credit or Debit Type We're No Longer Using?

Answer: Credit and debit types can be modified from Administration -> Credit types or Debit types.

Koha will not let you delete one of these accounting types, but you can archive them.

Archiving a credit or debit type will remove it from the dropdown for manual invoicing or credits on a patron's account. If it was archived by mistake, it can be restored.

This ability to archive credit or debit types only applies to credit and debit types added by a library for unique library-specific accounting types, like broken case replacement fees, Friends of the Library tote bags, credits for food bank donations, or summer reading fine vouchers to pay off fines. Debit types like lost fees or account creation fees are not eligible for archival since they are tied to specific system preferences and policies.

Additional Resources

Update to Credits and Debits in Koha