Koha Upgrades

Koha 23.05: Libraries Can Customize Patron Email Precedence

In previous versions, Koha was hard-coded to prioritize sending notifications to patron email addresses in the order “email” (primary email address), “emailpro” (secondary email address), and then “B_email” (alternate email address). In the 23.05 release, thanks to bug 29046, libraries will be able to specify the order in which patron email addresses are used for communications thanks to the addition of two new system preferences, EmailFieldPrecedence and EmailFieldPrimary.

By selecting to use the patron’s “first valid email address” from the dropdown menu in EmailFieldPrimary, and then entering the valid options from the database columns of the borrowers table separated by a | symbol (pipe) into EmailFieldPrecedence, the order in which patron email addresses are used can be customized. For example, if a library is not using the secondary email address field, and instead utilizes a patron’s alternate email address, they could set their email address order in EmailFieldPrecedence to email|B_email|emailpro, which would prioritize the alternate email over the secondary email. Yet another great way to customize your Koha experience to fit your library’s needs!

Visit our 23.05 Koha Upgrade Hub to find out more features and enhancements coming soon!

Koha 23.05: Upgrades Hub