Koha Upgrades

Koha 23.05: New Library Login Staff Permission

New Login Library Staff Permission

Bug 30624 introduces a new staff permission, loggedinlibrary, which determines whether a staff account can log in at a branch different from their home library.

Because upgrades should not introduce new behavior, staff accounts that already have the catalogue permission necessary for staff interface access will have the new permission, loggedinlibrary because until now, all staff accounts have had that ability.

Libraries that want to take advantage of the new permission to limit branch logins will need to revoke the permission from accounts that should not be able to log in as other branches. This gives consortia and multi-branch systems the ability to truly tailor login permission by job duties and level of access staff should have.

All staff accounts will still show the branch selection on the login screen (if visible), but only accounts with loggedinlibrary permission will be able to select a different branch and have that change apply. A staff member without the permission might select a different branch at login, but Koha will only log them in with their homebranch.

An account without loggedinlibrary will no longer have the option to change branches from the top right navigation bar account link in the navigation bar, though if a branch has desks or cash registers enabled, they will be able to select that option, as shown here.

Likewise, the option to set branch from the circulation module will no longer appear for them in either menu options or on the sidebar, but again, they can select a desk and/or register if applicable.

Additional Resources

Koha 23.05: Upgrades Hub

Koha 23.05 Upgrade Notes

Batch Patron Permissions Modifier Plugin

Read more by Hebah Amin-Headley

Tags 23.05, permissions