Koha Upgrades

Koha 22.11: Update Funds After Orders Are Received

Bug 25763 Allow update of order fund after receipt gives libraries new flexibility to update orders' funds after receipt. Previously, funds could only be changed from their initial selection at the time of receipt. This limited libraries' ability to adjust funds since it required un-receiving and then re-receiving items, which was not practical for items that were already in circulation.

In 22.11, however, libraries have much more flexibility to account for unexpected changes in funds and ordering. On the Invoice details page, there is a new Modify fund link for each order line’s Fund column:

Libraries can choose a new fund (including inactive funds by checking the ‘Show inactive’ box), and if applicable based on the new fund, update Statistics 1 and 2:

Once a new fund is selected, the Spent columns in the applicable budgets will update to add the order amount back into the original fund and deduct it from the new fund. This option is available for both open and closed invoices, and for closed as well as inactive budgets.

More 22.11 upgrades:
Koha 22.11: Upgrades Hub
Koha 22.11 Upgrade Notes