Creating a Browse Category

Browse Categories

  • Browse Categories are a great way to display materials that your patrons are interested in or to highlight collections you would like to promote on your home landing page. You can create browse categories through search results and by curated lists. Additionally, you can create a list of lists and add those to a browse category.
  • When you create a browse category, you can also add sub-browse categories to further define searches.

Creating a Browse Category from a Catalog Search

1. Perform your search, limiting results with any desired facets. For example, if you want to feature new adult non-fiction titles in your collection, you could perform a blank search and select Non-Fiction, Adult, and Added in the Last to narrow your results.

2. When satisfied with your search results, scroll to the bottom of the page and click Add to Browse.

3. To create a new browse category, click Create New. (Note: You can also choose to update an existing browse category by clicking Update Existing.)

4. Enter a name for your new browse category, then click Create Category.

5. You can now see your new browse category displayed on your home landing page.

6. To view and edit your current browse categories, navigate to Aspen Administration -> Local Catalog Enrichment -> Browse Categories.

Creating a Browse Category from a List

  1. Navigate to the list you'd like to use for a browse category and click its title to view/edit. (To learn about creating, editing, and viewing lists, visit the Lists page.)
  2. Click Add to Browse.

3. Enter a name for your new browse category, then click Create Category.

4. You can now see your new browse category displayed on your home landing page.

Customizing Browse Categories Video